Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Found and needs help

Found this by the side of the street (the table
not the husband.)

I'm not sure what to do with it 
 (the table, not the husband)

It has black iron legs and I like the lines.  The top
is butcher block, solid and heavy with a few stains.
It could be a desk for my son or myself.  I currently use the kitchen counter.

Any ideas? It definitely needs some help (the table, not the...well actually...)

 I digress, 
keep the legs black?  The top natural?
Your opinion please!


  1. find a remnant piece of (carrera) marble for the top and go with shiny black base...hey...it was a freebie!

  2. If you don't do the marble top - I'm kind of liking it the way it is!

    I wish I found cool things like that in the trash!

  3. black base.
    sand and refinish the top. natural wood.
    kick ass.
