Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a few thoughts on MDD

my favorites characters were the supporting ones

1.) Kathryn Ireland's bra
girl's got those double D's looking good

B.) JAM's gay model/designer boyfriend
pictured above
I liked the part when he washed the dog
a lot

and 3.)  Kathryn's drunk maid

in other news
follow me on Twitter
I can be funnier there because my dad doesn't follow me there
just kidding Dad

not really



  1. SO agreed. Bravo's saving grace is starting to be the unique characters that arrange themselves in the background. I pretty much love anything Bravo Andy does, except this made me want to barf.

  2. I wrapped up my MDD recap for Curbed in the wee hours (to publish later today). You and I agree on every point.
