Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Please Pray

For the safe return of my former neighbors.  
Their plane disappeared in the mountains of Wyoming near Jackson Hole.


  1. Also, please don't think that I don't know the rest of my posts this week are disrepectful to this situation. I have already scheduled them since I have an incredibly busy week at work and I need all my extra minutes for my kids. So while the posts are pointless and lighthearted, my heart is heavy this week.

  2. holy shit i heard about this on the news...
    i am so sorry to hear this..i will pray for their safe return.
    stay in the positive.
    the universe listens.

  3. I really pray for a positive ending and their safe return. It broke my heart to read about their teenage friend who started trying to walk from Minnesota to Wyoming to find them.

  4. I will be praying for a safe return. How heart wrenching.
