The second part of the equation comes from a mom I met in ECFE when our sons were mere weeks old. Erin Newkirk and I laughed and cried together about not sleeping, weirds poops, how to make your own baby food, and how not to feel guilty if you don't. She went on to create the fabulously successful online business Red Stamp Cards. If you are not familiar, you should be. Oprah is. And so is practically every other major publication in circulation. Check out the website here.
All of the success has not gone to her head. She offers gorgeous holiday cards that you can personalize with a photo in just a few clicks, for really reasonable prices. In fact I think the prices are lower than last year. Is that right? How can that be possible? Red Stamp also offers a free online calendar. They email you when your loved ones birthdays are coming up, you click a few times and voila! Beautiful cards arrive in your mail box, ready for your witty note and signature. For the super lazy among us, they will even write the witty note and send them for you. And those girls are witty.
So get to it ladies. Have your photos taken, upload them to Red Stamp, order your cards, and then have some egg nog and enjoy some Peace on Earth. Christmas cards? Done and Done. Word to your mother.
Huge compliment coming from a sassy, stylish lady like you! Thanks Kristin. Super impressed with your business, too. Erin