this is new at my house
it is big
bigger than I pictured
that is a twin size mattress on it
my neighbor who is an upholsterer
is making a cover for it
out of fabric I already owned
he is charging me $45
that is pretty much slave labor I think
this was my inspiration
but we had to paint it all white because
we could not afford nice wood
I would like it to look a little more like the above
and less like the below photo
it's cute but too tailored
and matchy for me
I need some of these I think
and I'm considering painting the window frame black
the mattress cover is blackish and plain
but with texture
also considering adding a sheepskin
but the word skin is holding me back
basically I want a cozy place to read
but not a fluffy place to read
oh and a bamboo shade is planned
your thoughts?